The Kitchen

The Kitchen

“Kuchnia” (“The Kitchen”) is a comedy series focusing on the private and professional adventures of a group of cooks and employees of one of the most popular restaurants serving French cuisine. The main character is an aspiring cook, Maks, who gets into serious trouble on his very first day at work. The woman he slept with the night before turns out to be his boss.



When a man becomes a father, his dreams come true, but with fatherhood also come duties. One may say that his life has changed out of all recognition, and his world has turned upside down.

The Kowalskis vs. The Kowalskis

The Kowalskis vs. The Kowalskis

“Kowalscy kontra Kowalscy” (“The Kowalskis vs. The Kowalskis”) is a huge dose of great fun. The comedy series is a story of two families who are theoretically linked by their last name, and practically they have nothing in common. They have different education, social background, financial status, and lead different lifestyles. 17 years ago there was a mix-up at the hospital as a result of which newborns were switched. One boy ends up with a wealthy family, and the other boy with a poor one.

Mum the Commissioner

Mum the Commissioner

Maria Matejko is a woman of many faces. Although she needs to cope with many different adversities, she always remains an optimist. Paulina Chruściel stars in this series as Maria – a strong woman, and a mother of four children. After splitting with her husband, she decides to return to work. The comeback is hard as it is, and her new rebellious and cynical team does not make it any easier. The employees do not seem to appreciate her insightfulness, perceptivity and experience.



“Akademik” (“Dorm”) is a comedy series about students who live in a coeducational dorm. Three boys – Zdzich, Roger, and Michal are accommodated at the same place as three attractive girls – Weronika, Lena and Andżelika. The confrontation of several completely different characters will result in truly explosive situations.



A perfect crime doesn’t exist. There are traces left behind … sometimes they can only be discovered using advanced forensic methods.