Vacation Memories (2024)
“Holiday Memoirs” took Polsat Television by storm in 2012. To this day, everyone remembers the poop in the bidet or the elephant’s ear… in the four letters of the snake, and the song “You know very well it won’t happen a second time” is known even to those who are now in their teens and don’t watch TV.
Vacation madness, love, sun and adventure, and as many twists and turns as grains of sand in Gran Canaria – all this in the new installment of the iconic “Vacation Memoirs” airing from March 2024. On TV4. Among the picturesque hills, beautiful beaches and attractions of luxury resorts, the adventures of a whole gallery of colorful characters take place. The characters experience ups and downs, love and betray, lose money and gain jobs, break acquaintances and gain friends, make and correct mistakes and score gaffes and mishaps that will make some laugh to tears and others appalled. However, who has never gotten up at six in the morning to reserve a sunbed at the pool should be the first to throw in the towel….
In each episode of the new series, we can follow two different stories, continuing for a dozen consecutive days. The heroine of one of them, Grazyna from Poland, who lives in Gran Canaria, is played by Dagmara Kazmierska, whose TV career just began with her participation in “Holiday Diaries.” This time our star as an independent woman, on the “island of love,” as the locals often call Gran Canaria, seeks peace and balance. Unfortunately, her hopes soon lie in ruins….
This season we also get to know the story of a truck driver who became a millionaire and decided to make his dreams come true in Gran Canaria, the fate of the Kowalski family trying to rebuild on the island family ties damaged by seniority and circumstances, the adventures of three penniless buddies, but with heads full of the strangest ideas, a charming single looking for love, and a pack of friends who will revise their desires on the island and finally find their true halves.
All episodes of “Holiday Memoirs” are available on the Polsat Box platform.