our newest

Vacation Memories (2024)
Love at any cost
Servant of The People
Cash or trash
about us
OUR series
& shows
Cash or trash
The Kitchen
The Kowalskis vs. The Kowalskis
Mum the Commissioner
Backdoor / wyjście awaryjne
The manual of love
Detective agency
„Agents. Detective Agency” is a new fall release on TV4 channel. It is a show about a group of friends who start a detective agency.
While solving their clients’ cases, they are simultaneously working on a disappearance case involving someone close to them.
“Łowcy skarbów. Kto da więcej” is a Polish version of an international hit “Cash or Trash”
broadcast for years in Germany, France, Great Britain, Holland or Italy.
Why me?
The docu-series Dlaczego ja? (Why me?) tells real-life stories that can happen to anyone of us.
The camera follows people who have been struck by the reality of life and faced with difficult
life decisions.

112 to the rescue is a docudrama showing stories
that might happen to anyone of us. People’s fate, health and often also their lives
depend on the knowledge and experience of 911 dispatchers
at the Emergency Communication Center.
The characters in Zdrady (Cheaters) have the same problem – they suspect their partners of cheating.
They find out the truth with the help of detective Damian Petrow
who specialises in such cases.
The Exposer
“Demaskator” (“The Exposer”) is a new reality show on the Polish market.
Its main objective is to uncover the most common methods which swindlers and frauds use to trick and manipulate
naive and gullible victims.
Back to life
Servant of The People
The in-laws
The House of Happiness
Sins of the neighbors
Ms Sweet
The Kitchen
The Kowalskis vs. The Kowalskis
Mum the Commissioner
Why me?
Difficult Matters
Diaries from Holiday
112 to the rescue
Detectives in action
Who’s Guilty?
On Patrol
Dear Money
The Day My Life Changed
Incredible but it Happened
The Deceived
Sex in Poland
Criminal Mysteries
Medical secrets
First grade
Know Your Rights!
The Neighbours’ Secrets
The Exposer
The manual of love
Love at any cost
Vacation Memories (2024)

Name that tune
“Jaka to melodia?”, that is “Name That Tune”, is one of the most popular music game shows in the world. In this music game show, the contestants try to identify the tunes after listening to the smallest bid number of notes.

Love at any cost
An interactive entertainment series where you never know what’s true and what’s a game will air in the fall of 2024.
On the air of TV Polsat.
It is a combination of reality show, TV series and teleseminar in one!

“Foreplay” is a dating game show consisting of two stages. In each episode, a man or a woman gets the chance to examine four candidates and choose from them twice.

Cash or trash
“Łowcy skarbów” is a Polish version of an international hit “Cash or Trash” broadcast for years in Germany, France, Great Britain, Holland or Italy.
Pierwszy w Polsce film z udziałem znanych youtuberów takich jak Sylwia Lipka, Mateusz Ciawłowski czy Julia Chatys i Filip Zabielski.
Julia Morska ma siedemnaście lat. Od dłuższego czasu mieszka z rodzicami w USA. Tam chodzi do świetnej szkoły, ma wspaniałych przyjaciół i wiedzie życie, które jak sama mówi jest cudowne.
Co więcej, Julia jest utalentowana – śpiewa. Jej kanał w sieci cieszy się sporą popularnością. Wszystko się zmienia w chwili, kiedy rodzice Julii informują dziewczynę o zbliżającym się powrocie do Polski. Julia jest załamana, nadchodzącymi wielkimi zmianami w jej życiu. Po emocjonalnym pożegnaniu z najbliższą przyjaciółką Sylwią, Julia wyrusza do Polski – kraju, o którym w sumie wie mało i nie jest pewna czego może spodziewać się po nowej szkole i kolegach.

My 3 is primarily a music band that all kids and teenagers in Poland are going to love! Their songs are full of optimism, fun and joy!

Children on the Trail of the Truth
The target audience of the program are families. Children become reporters and they try to find out what influences our health and immunity. Each episode of “Dzieci na Tropie Prawdy” (“Children on the Trail of the Truth”) hosts a special expert guest.

Occupation: Rescuer
A two-minute-long series of interviews with the employees of emergency services: TOPR (Tatra Volunteer Search and Rescue) and WOPR (Water Rescue) for whom the idea of saving people’s lives is both their mission and profession.

Neighbors’ feud
Comedy miniseries the story of which revolves around taxes. It was made in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance.
The main characters – Wojtek and Jola – are two completely different personalities. He has a rather nonchalant attitude towards life,

Commercial Breakdown
„Przereklamowani”, that is Commercial Breakdown, is an undisputable success of BBC television that has been a record-breaking programme around the world for 20 years. Fast pace and pure entertainment – this is the programme motto.

Stop – It’s the Traffic Police
The programme shows every day work of traffic police patrols. The camera shows police officers when they use radar devices, inspect the technical condition of vehicles, secure the area after traffic collisions, during special actions such as chases or road blockades.